Rigid Click Planks Floor Care

Cleaning and Maintenance Guides for Rigid Click Plank Floors

Initial Handover

  • Cleaning should only be conducted with a dry micro fibre mop or a soft broom.
  • To remove stubborn marks, water on a damp cloth can be used.

Preventative Maintenance

  • Long term wear and tear is caused by dirt trodden onto the floor from the outside. Walked in dirt such as gravel and sand acts like sandpaper and can cause unpleasant scratches. To prevent this we suggest that you should place large doormats at all entrances.
  • Always sweep or vacuum the floor before cleaning; this to remove loose dirt or particles.
  • It is also recommended that felt pads are fitted under the feet of tables, chairs and cupboards. This makes them easier to move around and prevents scratching.
  • Also equip castors or rollers, with soft treads (NOT RUBBER) on office chairs, filing trolleys and mobile containers and replace any existing old, hard or sharp edged castors.
  • To avoid wear and tear in high traffic areas, walk off mats are highly recommended.
  • When heaters are in use, especially gas heaters, the flooring area in contact with focused direct heat must be covered and protected, as concentrated heat can result in bubbling of the vinyl.
  • To keep the floor looking its best, dry dust, mop or vacuum your floor regularly. It is recommended to do this more often in high traffic areas.
  • DO NOT use a household dust treatment/chemicals such as vinegar, solvents, polishers, soaps, handy-andy or one step cleaners of any kind as this may cause the floor to become slick or have a dull finish.
  • Simply sweep the floor as required.
  • DO NOT pour buckets of water on your floor to clean as excessive water can damage your sub-floor.
  • Keep pets nails clipped to avoid surface scratching.
  • Food spills should be cleaned up as soon as possible.

Cautions and Maintenance

  • Do not place heavy items on newly installed floor coverings for at least 24 hours after completion of installation.
  • Heavy furniture should be equipped with suitable non-staining, wide bearing casters.
  • Do not drag furniture over the vinyl – It will scratch.
  • Sharp objects such as stiletto heels will mark your floor, especially if they are in disrepair.
  • Excessive heat and light exposure can create excessive expansion and fading of your vinyl floor, ensure that all doors and windows have UV filters, blinds or net curtains.
  • Oil or petroleum based products can result in surface staining.
  • DO NOT use rubber mats or rubber furniture protectors as this could permanently stain your vinyl.

For more in-depth details, consult your SANS 10070 Manual.


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