- 01.
Pergo wood flooring materials are delivered with instructions in the form of illustrations. The texts below is covering a floating illustration in regards of a floating installation, and are divided in 3 areas: Preparation, Installation-Finishing and Cleaning. We recommend that you read trough this information carefully while studying each illustration. In case of doubts or questions please contact your Pergo dealer/Technical services. The use of the original Pergo accessories is strongly recommended to benefit from the full product warranty. BEFORE STARTING UP A parquet floor is to be considered as an interior product, and should be taken care of like such prior to, during and after installation. The installation should be done after eventual painting and other wet works are done and dried out. If other works are ongoing after installation, a breath-taking covering should be placed on top of the Pergo parquet. Don NOT tape covering material direct to the surface since the glue might harm the lacquered or oiled surface.
- 02.
Pergo floors can be bought in different formats, decors and qualities. Make sure you have received the flooring that you have ordered before starting the installation. It is always a good idea to store one end-label together with your receipt. Do not install wood planks with damaged surfaces, edges or lock joints. Check every panel carefully before and during the installation, preferably in daylight. Bear in mind that wood is not a homogeneous material. There can be differences between the individual planks just as there are differences between individual trees. The occurrence of sap wood, knots and cracks is dependent on the selected grading and chosen range. These are natural features of wood and cannot be considered as a product fault. Therefor you should always check if you have the right impression off the floor before installation and that you have all the information. If a parquet panel has been installed it is considered as accepted and any defects or colour variation affecting this panel cannot form any ground off complaint. We recommend that the panels are mixed from several packs during installation.
- 03.
After receiving the floor packs these should be acclimatized. This has to be done unopened and stored in a flat position free from the wall and flooring prior to installation. Recommended is to store them at a normal room temperature (15-20°C / 59 - 65 °F) and a relative humidity level between 25-85% for a minimum of 48 hours prior to installation. A Pergo floor is composed of natural wood and will naturally expand and contract upon changes in the relative humidity. The dimensional variation of an installed floor will be slightly more in width compared to the length. For example: at 20°C and a RH between 40-60%, the movement is limited. Pergo wood flooring is produced and delivered with a moisture content to cope with an RH between 25-85%. In a dry climate, for example in the Nordics during winter time, the RH might drop below 25% and in summertime rise above 70%. This will create a movement in your floor surface. To secure enough clearance for this natural movement and to avoid open joints, squeaking, etc. always keep a dilatation joint of 10 mm average to the walls, thresholds, staircases, pipes, etc. During the installation of normal residential room size. Use the spacers of the installation kit to keep the correct clearance. Installing in winter time in very low RH, the clearance should lowered to 8 mm (low RH = floor shrinks). If installing in summer time with a high RH level the clearance should be raised to 15 mm (high RH = floor expands). The clearance should be left open and must not be filled by any sealant, silicone or other adhesive. A floating installation is a floating installation so never fasten the flooring with nails, glue, screws or in any other way.
- 04.
When gluing the floor, the current floor covering must be removed completely. The subfloor must be firm, hard, dry, even and must be conform to the standard. Be aware of the fact that any wood and/or organic material might/will dry out locally and damage the parquet if any heating source like hot fans, wood stoves etc. is creating high temperatures.
- 05.
The entire subfloor must be carefully checked for any type of unevenness. Use a straight edge of 1 m approximately, make sure there are no unevenness’s of more than 2 mm. Peaks higher than 1,2 mm within a 250 mm radius are also prohibited. If needed use a levelling compound to achieve correct flatness of the base floor.
- 06.
To achieve optimal sound reduction, best walking comfort, avoid squeaking and to level minor unevenness we strongly recommend using a Pergo underlay. A floating installation done on screed, a cement based subfloor or when floor heating is involved, a vapour barrier must be installed. If the chosen Pergo underlay does not have a vapour barrier a 0,2 mm PE-film has to be used as a minimum damp screen. Make sure the PE-film overlaps with a minimum of 200 mm. In case of a floating installation with any other type of underlay that is not a Pergo underlay the same technical specifications must be met. In case of problems and the underlay is the cause no warranty will be valid.
- 07.
Pergo wood flooring must not be installed in a typical wet room or in rooms with a floor drain. An installation directly on floor joists is prohibited.
- 08.
Mineral subfloors such as concrete must be sufficiently dry prior to installation (< 2,5% CM / 75 % RH). If the moisture content is higher or may become higher other types of damp proofing must be used.
- 09.
Plan the installation direction of the planks carefully before start up. Normally we recommend installation parallel to the incoming light. If the room is long and narrow like in a hallway we would install parallel to the long walls. Be aware of the fact natural colour will be affected by sun light (discolouration by UV light is inevitable). This might lead to natural fading and colour changes which are not a product fault.
- 01.
Pergo wood floors are easy to install and require no expensive tools. In addition to a few common DIY tools (folding rule, pencil, hammer, handsaw or jigsaw, carpenters square and possible power drill and hand gloves) you only need the Pergo installation kit containing a tapping block, pull bar and spacers. Be sure you have all tools available before starting the installation.
- 02.
When cutting the Pergo wood plank be sure you are not creating splinters or chipping when cutting. If using a handsaw keep the decorative surface faced up. If using a jigsaw keep decorative surface down.
- 03.
Every Pergo wood plank is methodically checked for any imperfections before being packed. Still, packs can be damaged during transportation or when the packs are opened. Do not install a plank with a damaged surface, edge or click joint. Carefully inspect each plank before installing. At Pergo a box can contain one plank that consists out of multiple, shorter begin/end pieces to ease your installation. The amount of shorter begin/end pieces per box can vary between two and three. Cumulative length of all shorter pieces will always be equal to the length of one standard plank. Be aware of the fact wood is not a homogeneous material. There will be differences from plank to plank as there are differences from tree to tree. These aspect provides you with the warm and natural feeling a parquet floor has to offer. Knots and cracks will also appear depending on the grading and the chosen range. This is natural and will not be considered as a product fault. Therefore always be sure you have got the right impression of the floor and information from the dealer before installation. An installed plank is considered as accepted and cannot be claimed. We recommend to mix the boards, taking planks out of different boxes at the same time when installing.
- 04.
Parquet panels can be installed floating or glued down
- 05.
Direct gluing can only be performed on a subfloor that is suitable for it (in terms of flatness, firmness, cracks, etc.) in conformity with general principles and standards. The subfloor must be sufficiently dry, hard and homogeneous. Make sure to use a suitable glue. Follow the instructions regarding drying time, consumption, application, etc. These instructions need to be provided by the glue manufacturer. If you are gluing down your floor try to walk on it as little as possible on the glued section during installation.
- 06.
In a glued installation you have no length and width restrictions. An expansion gap around the perimeter of the room is still obligated but a T moulding in the doorways is not necessary anymore.
- 07.
Before starting carefully measure the length and the width of the room to pan a precise lay-out to achieve a balanced appearance of the floor. This will ensure also you won’t end up with the last row being too narrow. If the last row would be less than 40 mm the installation will be easier if you cut down the planks of the first row in the width.
- 08.
Often the installation is done parallel to the long walls of the room. The most common direction of installation of all types of wood floors is from left to right with the tongue side (A) facing the starting wall. The planks should be installed facing the tongue side (A) to the wall. Always remember the spacers to ensure your expansion gap ! Thanks to the Perfectfold patent the installation is very easy. This patent makes it very simple to dismantle a plank if needed without destroying the connection mechanism. The end joint can be assembled in different ways by folding down angling, sliding or tapping in horizontally. The quickest, easiest and most secure way is by folding down. A rubber hammer can be a handy tool to double check the joints and gently tap them if needed.
- 09.
Narrow down the width of the first row or as a minimum cut off the tongue to achieve the first distance to the wall. If the wall is curved/uneven the first row has to be cut and coped to the contour of the wall. Use spacers ! Cut off the tongue on the first plank also on the short side. This plank will then have the plastic tongue in the end to the right side.
- 10.
Install the first 2 rows in accordance to the illustration. We recommend the overlap/staggering between end joints to be about 1/3 of the plank length but never less than 300 mm. Installing the first 2 rows like shown will help keep a straight line to start the rest of the installation. The cut off from the first and second row should normally be perfect as starting planks in the 3 and 4 row. Always remember using the spacers to keep the correct distance to the walls. Lift the connecting plank up in an angle of about 20-30 degrees, push it into the long side groove and slide it gently towards the left until the plank ends meet. Push the plank firmly downwards to the floor and the perfectfold system will lock the joint perfectly in the end. Always check every joint before continuing (gently tap with rubber hammer and tapping block if needed).
- 11.
For a nice finish where the next flooring meets a threshold we recommend undercutting the mouldings of the door. To secure the correct cut off turn a plank upside down and place it on the floor up to the frame. Then place the hand saw flat against the plank and simply cut trough the frame/moulding as shown. Remove the cut out and vacuum away dust. Then you can simply slide the floor underneath the frame/moulding and make a perfect finish. Please note that this operation is recommended to be done before starting the glue down process!
- 12.
To install Pergo wood flooring around pipes, carefully measure and mark the planks with the exact centre point for each pipe. Drill a hole at each of the marked points that is equivalent to the diameter of the pipe + 16 mm in dry climate and 24 mm in wet climate. If located on the long side of the plank make a 45 degree cut from each hole to the edge of the plank and then cut between the holes as shown. If located on the end of a plank make a straight cut across the plank. Install the plank. Use spacers to secure a tight glue point and remove any glue on the floor surface directly with a damp cloth. The gap you have created between the pipes are to ensure the floor can move as expected from season to season. These cannot be filled with any sealant, silicone or other adhesive. Use the Pergo radiator caps to conceal gaps around radiator pipes.
- 13.
Inspect the final surface of the installed floor, remove all spacers and install the Pergo wood wallbases according to the instructions following the wallbases. Avoid foot traffic until the glue is cured completely. (Follow the glue manufactures instructions).
- 01.
When gluing down the floor do not use the floor if the glue is not dry (follow instructions of the glue manufacturer). After installation it is recommended to have circumstances of 15 - 22°C and a RH level between 25-85%. During winter time the air in the rooms is usually extremely dry, for this reason it is strongly recommended to use humidifiers in order to obtain a constant humidity level. In the summer and autumn, when there is a high relative humidity the room should be well ventilated.
- 02.
To remove dirt and dust from the floor use a dry mop, a brush or a vacuum cleaner. Make sure the vacuum cleaner is equipped with soft wheels and a special parquet brush to avoid scratching your floor. Never use a steam cleaner to clean your wooden floor. For the first cleaning of the floor make sure to first remove ALL dust and dirt before using a cloth. Wet maintenance of a wooden floor is absolutely forbidden.
- 03.
Only use the recommended cleaning products for floor maintenance. Remember that using other cleaning products may damage your floor. Always wipe the floor dry immediate so that no more moisture or liquid is visible on the floor. Bevelled parquets must only be cleaned with a dry cloth.
- 04.
Castor chairs must have castors of the so called type “soft wheels” and a plastic protector mat should be placed under the area where the chair is placed/used. All furniture legs should be protected by felt pads to avoid scratching the lacquered/oiled surface. Avoid sliding/dragging furniture over the wooden surface to avoid possible scratching. Lifting the furniture is recommended. Always place a quality door mat at any entrance door to avoid introduction of sand, dirt or water which might create scratches.
- 05.
Special cleaning instructions are at hand with your Pergo dealer or on the website of these products. Please read them with care before maintaining your lacquered/oiled surface.
- 06.
The manufacturer bears no responsibility for problems or damage which arises through inexpert preparation of the subfloor, the floor installation itself or the exposition of the floor to unsuitable climatic conditions/maintenance. The right for compensation for damaged or differently coloured panels does not extend to parquets which already have been installed. In nonstandard cases we recommend you to inform yourself sufficiently with regards to the specific requirements of our construction project. In the event of further questions please contact your retailer.